Thursday, 17 January 2013


Title sequence planning
Title: Fortune

Genre: comedy

Ideas based on: 

Lizzie Mcguire movie 
We would like to use the general narrative of this in our own sequence. The main character, Lizzie McGuire, has a cartoon version who continuously experiences bad luck and misfortune. Fortune is going to be the main theme in our sequence. The music in this sequence is also very relevant and appeals to the target audience which is what we would like to do with the music in our sequence.


In this title sequence we liked the variation in which the names and titles were shown. There was a mixture of text written over the top and text within the storyline. We would also like to use a variation like this as it would keep the audience interested and entertained.

Napolean Dynamite

We particularly liked the different uses of mise en scene to display the names and titles in this title sequence. This is something we want to show in our sequence to make it unique so the titles aren't just text written over the top.

Initial Planning:

Initial Storyboard:

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