Tuesday, 19 March 2013


 Here is an early print screen of us editing our product. Just after this we replaced all the shots of the girl in the white dress with a more casual outfit and in daylight. You can see the stuttered shots were we have included flashes to certain things and shots in Video Overlay where we have used opacity. At this point we had no sound and were working solely with the footage. 

When we were planning our piece and thinking of concepts we really warmed to the idea of two things happening at once. This was probably because in previous projects our best skill was split screen, we liked the idea of two things happening at once and them both coming to a point where they meet. Like Love Actually at the end. We found that split screen seemed unprofessional and didnt get across the feel we wanted to. Seconds before we lost our temper with sony vegas we were revealed to the most invaluable piece of information throughout the whole process - Opacity. This brilliant feature transformed our piece and gave it everything we wanted. The ability to position two pieces of footage at the same time showed the audience that these two things were happening at the same time and built the suspense of the ending up perfectly. Varying percentages allowed us to show things that were more important such as the ballet shoes whilst the girl was walking in the background subtly. Below are some examples of opacity doing its thing in our product. 

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